Preventing Falls

Preventing Falls

Bay Care offers essential advice on preventing falls, avoiding injuries, and potentially saving on care costs.

Falling is not an inevitable part of aging; risks can be reduced with the right strategies. As we age, particularly over 65, the likelihood of falls and serious injuries increases. In the UK, nearly a third of people over 65 fall each year, rising to half for those over 80.

While we can't eliminate all risks, we can reduce them by understanding the risks, maintaining our health with top fall prevention tips, keeping our homes safe using Bay Care's home safety checklist, and seeking appropriate care and support when needed.

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  • Preventing Falls

    Preventing Falls:. Falls are always a significant concern for any individual, but the concern is more significant for the elderly. Preventing falls is an essential in any caregiving environment whether individuals reside in a care home setting or are being cared for at home. This article outlines our top tips and preventative measures we take to minimise the risk of falls and ensure the safety of all our clients: