
Preventing Falls

Falls are always a significant concern for any individual, but the concern is more significant for the elderly. Preventing falls is an essential in any caregiving environment whether individuals reside in a care home setting or are being cared for at home. This article outlines our top tips and preventative measures we take to minimise the risk of falls and ensure the safety of all our clients:

Understanding the Risks

Several factors increase the risk of falls among the elderly, including:

  • Physical Health Issues: Conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and poor vision.
  • Medications: Some medications can cause dizziness or balance issues.
  • Environmental Hazards: Clutter, poor lighting, and slippery surfaces.
  • Lack of Physical Activity: Reduced strength and balance due to inactivity.

Home Safety Modifications Eliminate Tripping Hazards

  • Declutter: Keep floors free of clutter, such as shoes, books, and cords.
  • Secure Rugs: Use non-slip pads under rugs or remove them entirely.
  • Fix Flooring: Repair any loose or uneven flooring that could cause trips.

Enhance Lighting

  • Brighten Rooms: Ensure all living areas are well-lit, using higher wattage bulbs if necessary.
  • Night Lights: Install night lights in hallways, bedrooms, and bathrooms to help navigate in the dark.
  • Accessible Switches: Place light switches at the entrance of each room and at the top and bottom of stairs.

Install Safety Equipment

  • Grab Bars: Install grab bars in bathrooms next to toilets and inside showers and tubs.
  • Handrails: Ensure sturdy handrails are on both sides of stairways.
  • Non-Slip Mats: Place non-slip mats in bathrooms and kitchens to prevent slipping on wet floors.

Foot Care

Proper foot care and footwear can prevent falls.

  • Comfortable Shoes: Encourage wearing well-fitting, non-slip shoes with good support.
  • Avoid Loose Slippers: Replace loose slippers or shoes that can cause tripping.
  • Regular Podiatry Visits: Regular visits to a podiatrist can address foot pain and issues that affect balance.

Use of Assistive Devices

Assistive devices can provide additional support and stability.

Canes and Walkers: Use canes or walkers for added support while walking.

Shower Chairs: A shower chair or bench can provide stability while bathing.

Emergency Response Systems

Technology can offer peace of mind and quick assistance in case of a fall.

  • Medical Alert Systems: Equip seniors with wearable medical alert devices to call for help if they fall.
  • Smart Home Devices: Install smart home systems that can detect falls and alert caregivers or emergency services.


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